Seven Oaks Country Club is pleased to introduce "Member to Member", an opportunity to showcase your business and network with other like-minded club members.
"Member to Member" is or those members who wan to engage in business networking with their fellow members. There is no cost to participate and a monthly networking event will be held. Member businesses will be listed on the club's website with a link to their business's website and featured on a posting on a "Member to Member" board in the club.

Your club has always been a great place for enjoying golf, recreation, dining, and special events. Now your club can be an asset for your business too! "Member to Member" will provide a means to provide information about your business on the club's website, promote your business on an in-club display board, provide a special offer to fellowembers, and participte in a monthly "business networking happy hour."
Think about the possibiliies. With over 400 club members, may of whom you may have never met, your club can become a great source of new business and an expanded network of businss professionals. And, there is no cost to participate in "Member to Member." The only requirement is that you are a club member in good standing.
Monthly Business Networking
In addition to featuring your business on our website and on an in-club display, the club will begin hosting a monthly "Member to Member" Business Networking Happy Hour for the purpose of providing a venue to meet and network with oter like-minded business professionals and promote your business. The club will provide complimentary hors d' oeuves and happy hour prices on beer, wine, and cocktails. Guests of members will also be permitted to attend.
Sponsorship of the event will be available for $200 and monthly sponsors will be afforded the opportnity to provide a brief presentation about their business and set up an attended table display for the entire event to distribute inforation and answer questions.
If you are interested in having your business sponsor either event, please contact Molly Kullen at 724-495-3300 or e-mail Molly at [email protected]
Enroll Your Business Today
If you would like to partipate in "Member to Member", click here for the enrollment form, print it, fill it out and drop it off at the club's reception desk and we'll take care of the rest. Please be sure to include a business card. If you have any qustions or would like to sponsor an event, please contact Molly Kullen at 724-495-3300 or e-mail Molly at [email protected].